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At our Church we believe giving and serving are two of the most important aspects of living out our faith. We offer many ways for our members to serve and give back to the community. We have opportunities for members to serve in our media ministry, social media management, leading congregational prayer, etc. We also encourage regular financial giving and provide multiple ways to do so, including online giving, and in-person giving during services. We believe that when we give of our time and money, we are helping to build God’s kingdom and further His mission in the world.




At our Church, we believe that tithing is an important part of our Christian faith. We encourage our members to give a tithe, or 10% of their income, to the Church as an act of worship and faith. Tithing is an expression of our trust in God and our belief that He will provide for us. By tithing, we are also demonstrating our commitment to the Church and its mission. We are grateful for the generous tithes of our members, and use them to fund a variety of programs and ministries that benefit our Church and community.

Serving in Church is an important part of the Christian faith. It is an opportunity to use the gifts and talents God has given us to glorify Him and build up the Church. There are many opportunities to serve within a Church, from helping with Sunday School classes to serving on the worship team. No matter the role, each person plays an important part in helping the Church to function and grow. Together, we can build a strong faith community.

At our Church, we take serving and tithes very seriously. We encourage all members to serve in some capacity and to give tithes as a way to show gratitude. If you have any questions about serving or tithes, please feel free to reach out to a member of our leadership team. We would be happy to provide more information and answer any questions you may have. We believe that serving and tithing are powerful ways to show our devotion to God and to our Church.


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